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Who Need Copyright

Copyright falls under the support of intellectual property law and protects the rights of creators of original works of authorship whether the work in inquiry is published or not. Original works of authorship include literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works such as poems, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and photography. By law, when something is written, drawn, photographed, etc., its copyright is automatically owned by the author. In other words, a copyright exists at the instant the work is created.

Registering a copyright with the US Copyright Office is charitable. Copyright protection exists without registration; on the other hand, your work must be registered before you can file a copyright infringement case in a US court. In addition, registration of copyright makes it easier to prove possession of your work in the occasion of an infringement and allows you to collect more in damages from the infringer.

While the concept of copyright is fairly clear-cut when it comes to literary works like books, it's less clear in stare to websites and the information contained therein. Copyright is a type of property that is founded on a person's creative skill and labor. It is designed to avert the unauthorized use by others of a work, that is, the inventive form in which an idea or information has been expressed by the creator. Copyright is not a tangible thing. It is made up of a bundle of exclusive financial rights to do certain acts with an innovative work or other copyright subject-matter. These rights include the right to copy, publish, communicate (e.g. broadcast, make available online) and publicly achieve the copyright material.