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Trademark Logo Registration

The trademark logo well known as trading name is the name which a business trade beneath for commercial purposes, although its registered, legal name used for contracts and other formal situation. Trade name is also used in the pharmaceuticals industries, which has disparate chemical names. The name must be distinctive & distinguishable on the record from preceding registration.The trademark logo can be filed in the office of the secretary of the state. The office of the secretary of the state will seek out its database similar names on file. The trademark logo is not formally approved until the fees & application are received by the office and the proposed mark is being reviewed for the conflicts with the existing trademarks.

Registering trademark logo is not the identical as securing a trademark for your business name. A trademark is a form of intellectual property, which provides you with rights as regards how your business name may be used. Trademarks may also be obtained for specific words, symbols, logos, designs, phrases, images or a combination of these elements. Trademark domain names are playing major role as an address, which are used for identifying & locating computers on the Internet.